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For professionals
Home  /  For Professionals
For professionals
Our services to professionals include Data for housing developers & investors,  Marketing Services for housing providers and estate agents, and Information & Advice Resources for housing advisors.
Housing Providers

Our website HousingCare.org showcases all UK retirement housing developments for free. Our subscription services enhance your visibility, branding and customer enquiries.

Estate Agents

Our website HousingCare.org reaches an audience looking for retirement living properties. Advertise with us to reach them.

Housing Developers & Investors

EAC Data on UK retirement housing is unique and respected as authoritative and independent. We licence data for use by housing planners, developers, investors and researchers.

Housing Advisors

Our legacy FirstStop website provides access to a wide range of materials of use to local agencies and individuals who advise older people on their housing options.

News for Housing Professionals

Featuring a selection of EAC projects, ‘think pieces’ and analyses for people who work in the housing and older people sector.