Elderly Accommodation Counsel (EAC) is a national charity, with a mission to help older people make informed choices about meeting their housing and care needs.
We believe that good and trustworthy information about the options open to people is key to planning ahead successfully. Our unique directories of accommodation and services for older people throughout the UK are searched by over 10,000 people every day.
We believe that good and trustworthy information about the options open to people is key to planning ahead successfully. Our unique directories of accommodation and services for older people throughout the UK underpin our own advice line service and are used by many others.
We are widely trusted as an independent and impartial custodian of good quality information, and aim to exploit this commercially to support our free public-facing services.
We have a long history of working in partnership with other agencies committed to helping older people live safely and well at home, and we are actively looking for even closer integration with like-minded charities.
EAC is a small charity, governed by a Board of Trustees and employing a core staff of two supported by 4 specialist consultants. Our role is to maintain accurate and detailed public information directories of specialist housing and services for older people, to run our website HousingCare.org, and to champion the case for a national infrastructure of ‘housing options’ information and advice services to older people and their families.
Our free public service is to provide comprehensive, independent and impartial information to help you think whether your home will suit you well as you grow older, to get help to repair or adapt it explore ways p in older age, and plan for about moving to specialist housing for older people in the UK, about practical services that can help you maintain or improve your current home, life safely and well wherever you live. Serve yourself on our website HousingCare.org, or take a guided tour with our ‘Housing Options for Older People’ (HOOP) app.
We use our knowledge of accommodation and services for older people to identify gaps in provision and influence policy. We also licence our housing directory data for use by housing investors and developers. And on our HousingCare.org website we offer marketing services to housing providers and estate agents.
We provide a number of information and advice services to older people and their families including;
Our legacy FirstStop website provides access to a wide range of materials developed during these years, most of which will be of interest and use to any organisation looking to set up, or expand, a housing options advice service.
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Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nihil, aut.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin luctus consectetur magna, in pellentesque arcu. Nunc viverra vitae eros a ultricies. Pellentesque rutrum porttitor odio nec placerat. Sed commodo efficitur auctor. Nunc quis egestas velit. Fusce in justo augue. Ut vitae mauris ex.