In our report on 2023, published in October 2024, Trustees provided this overview of the year:
The detailed work we have done over the last two years to understand the evolving landscape of information and advice services to older people and their families has been a valuable and necessary exercise, and has proved an important stimulus to thinking about EAC’s role and responsibilities going forward. Our ongoing research has highlighted how patchy and precarious the availability of fully independent ‘housing and care options’ advice services has become.
Funding for most voluntary sector organisations has come under increasing pressure, and the priorities of those serving older people have become more focused on relieving immediate challenges of poverty and loneliness. In this climate preventative work, like providing housing options advice, can easily be squeezed – and has been.
So as the national charity most strongly identified with housing advice to older people, we feel a responsibility to continue pressing the case that ageing successfully requires thinking and planning ahead to ensure that the home we live in is ‘age friendly’ and the support services we might need are available, accessible and affordable.
Our imperative must and will be to find ways of leveraging EAC’s limited resources, its networks, IP assets and expertise to make maximum impact on the availability and quality of ‘housing options’ information and advice to all older people.
Avoid Getting Stuck on a Writing Paper
If the deadline is nearing and the deadline is near, it’s easy to lose yourself in the your writing. But, there are handful of methods you can employ to avoid getting stuck. The first step is to begin your research at the earliest possible point. It will allow you to divide your ideas into manageable assignments. It will make you feel more in control of your work by break down your paper into sections – researching, brainstorming, and writing. For a decrease in stress levels and boost your grade Start writing as early as you can.